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“Primus inter optimos”

International register is core of company’s business reputation



‘The world full of industries and competition is maintained by entrepreneurs’. 

Our Mission

Status Award «Enterprise of the Year» - displays the ideological nature of great companies - pragmatic idealism. 

Our Values

Reputation is the core value and sense of purpose of the business activity, apart from earning money. It guides and inspires people in the Organization. This ideology has remained relatively stable for a long time and paradoxically fits in with the company’s ability to be exceptionally highly profitable. 

Our Vocation

Inspires and guides future generations to prevail ideas over profit.


About us

We assess the business reputation of companies, determine and award the companies with the status «THE ENTERPRISE OF THE YEAR» for the unblemished reputation with certificate-confirmation.  

Today, Standard Chartered Rating maintains a register of company’s reputation in 12 countries worldwide and unites the best companies under unified brand-status “THE ENTERPRISE OF THE YEAR” around the world.

Standard Chartered Rating GmbH owns the licensing rights for this status in each country. It bears witness of its authenticity.



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If something is not written, then it does not exist. 
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World Business Reputation Foundation

We record your achievements in the history of creation of the modern world.  

How to win an Award?

About the Business Reputation Fund 

Imagine an information platform where customers place not goods or services, but their ‘Corporate values’.

Their Business reputation. 

Principles and values for future generations of Entrepreneurs all over the world.

List of successes is the reason is to keep copies of their awards. 

Copies of historical documents with descriptions of their results and consequences.

People will only remember winners. Be a winner today, tomorrow and always. Be the inspiration for those who follow. Make your mark on History. Be the one who never gave up, the one who believed anything is possible.

Show case your Business.

That will be a major icebreaker for your next challenge. 

Clients are awarded ‘THE REPUTATION’ International Award and become a member of the World Business Reputation Foundation.

The established Business ‘reputation’ must be copied and preserved for future generations to follow and prosper.

Germany is the safest place to do this.

Why “The Enterprise of the Year”?

Your achievements are known to you, so why not let others know?

By receiving the ‘award’ you become a part of the international Business Reputation Foundation, and your achievements become an asset to the global community and future generations. 

We record your achievements in the history of creation of the modern world.  

If something is not written, then it does not exist. 

To win the Enterprise of the Year Award, you must be the best among your competitors. 

How to receive the Award?

You can attend ‘The Award Ceremony’

Receiving Your Award by mail

Receiving Your Award online only



Issa Demirden

owner of company “Mutlu LED”

Hello everybody from Turkey, Ankara. My name is Issa, I am owner of the big shopping center and the company “Mutlu LED” of LED product. A few months ago we started to keep records of the business reputation of our company with the German company Standard Chartered Rating GmbH. We have restored the important events of the company for the past 4 years and have received our first certificate of "The Enterprise of the Year". Today, our reputation has helped us to sign a new long-term contract with the construction firm for the purchase and supply of our production. Thanks to German company and our expert Gulya.

Viktor Romanovsky

director of advertising agency "Revekstra Baltic"

Greetings from advertising agency "Revekstra Baltic" and its director Viktor Romanovsky. Our company is 10 years old and we have received the status of "The Enterprise of the Year" in Europe for our impeccable reputation and we even created a small museum of our company. The next time the clients will contact me to "make their reputation," I do not have to explain them that we are advertising agency and doing advertising ... I will tell them, who keeps a record of business reputation and where they are situated - this is the company Standard Chartered Rating in Germany! And we, as an advertising agency, we can promote their achievements, products and reputation). Our reputation is the mirror of our work.

Hani Loutfi

owner of Event Agency

Hey everyone, I am Hani Loutfi. My business is Event Agency. We work worldwide. Entertainment industry is my life and life of my team. Our reputation is the history of our achievements. Our clients are the famous companies and global brands. This year we have received the status “The Enterprise of the Year” and have recorded the first page in the history of our company’s reputation. We go slowly and steadily towards our goal to become event planners of the Oscar Awards))) The reputation is our future.

Irakly Beridze

owner of logistics company “Adeko Trans Logistic”

Hello, my name is Irakly Beridze. I am the owner of logistics company “Adeko Trans Logistic” in Georgia, Batumi city. My company is more than 10 years old. The company provides services of cargo delivery in Georgia from around the world.  Recently, my company has received the status of "The Enterprise of the Year" for the impeccable reputation from the German company Standard Chartered Rating GmbH. Formation of the business reputation is long process and it requires special attention. I am sure that in ten years, my successors will be able to appreciate my efforts in business development. Today " Adeko Trans Logistic " is The Enterprise of the Year 2016 and after 20 years, we will be 21 times The Enterprise of The Year for impeccable reputation. Our reputation is our history.

Jimmy Gandhi

owner of hotel chain “Shiva”

I am Jimmy, owner of hotel chain in the state of GOA, India. I have been providing the leadership to this business, which devolved me from my father, for over 20 years. This year, my chain has received the world status "The Enterprise of the Year", I had been waiting for this moment for more than 5 years. Now the businessmen of India have the opportunity to fix and maintain the reputation of their company globally, thanks to the German company SCR GmbH. The key points in our traditions are protection of business reputation and being proud of our name, as the business is passed on from generation to generation. I am sure that even after 20 years I will be able to hand over the business to my son, not only with a reputation by words of the neighbors and with the feedback on the Internet from our guests, but also with the official recognition of my reputation of my hotels in the world.

Standard Chartered Rating GmbH


84478, Waldkraiburg,

Bohmerwaldstrasse 11



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