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“Bereket” IUCE - «The Enterprise Of The Year 2018» (Kazakhstan)

Updated: Nov 23, 2018

The International Universal Commodity Exchange “Bereket” is the acknowledged leader of Kazakhstan’s stock market. It was awarded this title for four consecutive years from 2015 to 2018.

The International Universal Commodity Exchange “Bereket” is awarded the status of «The Enterprise Of The Year 2018» according to the results of integrated index analysis of the company's indicators by Standard Chartered Rating GmbH International company.

For successful exchange activities, the International Organizing Committee on Public Awards and Titles awarded “Bereket” with a diploma “Enterprise-leader of the EEU”. It is also a winner of the international award “Priznaniye” (recognition), the presentation of which was held in the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow.

“Bereket” is considered today one of the most dynamically developing exchanges in Kazakhstan, where more than 25 accredited broker and dealer companies are registered. In addition to commercial trading, the exchange conducts specialized trading, as well as public procurement.

Since 2011, the amount of share capital of “Bereket” commodity exchange increased fivefold and exceeds 1 billion tenge so far.

The main “product” of “Bereket” exchange is quotations for commodities, the turnover of which is growing every year.

Following the world trend towards digitization, the specialists of the exchange consistently introduce the most advanced information technologies into their work. Today, the trading system of the exchange is a system of software and hardware with the function of Internet trading, digital signatures, electronic document management and the availability of server equipment. The exchange guarantees certified and reliable information security, as well as the quality of services provided.

Within the framework of the Kazakhstan oil and gas trade and transport conference, “Bereket” Exchange together with the St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange held a roundtable on the development of electronic exchange trading in oil, oil products and liquefied gas.

In addition, during the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO 2017 in Astana, “Bereket” actively participated in thematic events, conferences and business meetings.

In the field of information exchange about prices and the conjuncture of energy markets, “Bereket” is developing cooperation with such leading international agencies as Bloomberg L.P. and Argus Media.

Together with the deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, the commodity exchange “Bereket” took part in developing changes and amendments to the laws and regulations on gas and gas supply, as well as oil supplies to the domestic market of the country.

Bulat Shaimanov, the head of the exchange, actively introduces the latest technologies in the field of electronic trading systems.

Exchange business is not done alone. It requires like-minded people, followers, partners. Therefore, the experts of the exchange hold thematic seminars for undergraduates and doctoral students of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan, students of the Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University and the Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

All these aspects positively influence the image of “Bereket” International Universal Commodity Exchange, and its impeccable reputation as a reliable partner.


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