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Company «BILOTSERKIVVODA» - «The Enterprise of the Year 2018»: We have something to be proud of!

Soon the New Year is the time when the results of the year are over. This year again did not leave the "BILOTSERKIVVODA" enterprise without awards.

A pleasant moment in 2018 was that in early November, our company received the status of "Enterprise of the Year 2018" for its impeccable business reputation among the group of the best companies of Ukraine, united by the International Economic Rating "The League of the Best" on the basis of 2018 work.

"BILOSCERKIVODA" became a member of the best companies of Ukraine under the unique "Enterprise of the Year" brand, which was officially confirmed by the international association "International Rating Association" (Hong Kong), the European authoritative agency Standard Chartered Rating GmbH (Germany) and the national analytical company "Summit International Awards (Ukraine).

The secret to the success of each company is the coherent work of staff and management. We would like to express our gratitude to all those who have contributed to the title "Enterprise of the Year 2018": to each employee of the enterprise for dedication and professionalism, for your contribution to the development of the company and in the joint business.


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