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Security Company «Persey-Bezpeka» - «The Enterprise Of The Year 2018» (Ukraine)

Security Company «Persey-Bezpeka» is awarded the status of «The Enterprise Of The Year 2018» according to the results of integrated index analysis of the company's indicators by Standard Chartered Rating GmbH International company.

Since 2002 the security company Persey-Bezpeka has been carrying out a set of comprehensive solutions for security sector based on modern technologies, fundamental knowledge and full expertise within the field. 

The security firm Persey-Bezpeka is a successful company that has been providing its private clients and leading enterprises with high-quality services for a long time.

The priority of security services that we offer is special attitude towards a customer and care of high standard. People at the team are skilled professionals with long-term experience, creative thinking, reliable, morally sustainable, those who are able to identify the main thing, to determine and implement primacies in their job.


Standard Chartered Rating GmbH


84478, Waldkraiburg,

Bohmerwaldstrasse 11



phone: +49 (8638) 869 95 86

phone: +49 (8920) 175 996

fax: +49 (8638) 869 95 87

WhatsApp: +49 (157) 38 279 749

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